April 21, 2012

Messages: The Reveal

I have kept you all in suspense long enough.  Although I am a long way from ready and the plans have a lot of finalizing to do, I am comfortable enough now to share where my messages have been leading me. 

It started with a woman I am an email only friend with (so far) who just couldn't seem to hear me when I said, "no, I'm not doing anything with my photography."  I would send her a picture or she would see them on my Facebook and she would exclaim over them and then ask (again), are you doing anything with your photography, business wise?  And I would answer (again) no.  (She is actually the editor of a magazine who contacted me about publishing something I had written.  Yes, it was published, something I probably neglected to ever tell much of anyone because it was published in the premier magazine for grieving parents, so blessedly most of you would never see it.  But our communications continued and we have become friends.)

Then I went to DC for a meeting and took pictures of the Cherry Blossoms.  The three women I was working with there, who are also now friends, were very complimentary of my pictures and my shared pictures even got the attention of the Washington Post just as my New York City pictures were commented on and retweeted by the New York City Tourism board.  And then finally there was the lady, Kelly, at the UPS store who I already spoke about and the signs from the angels that I also already explained.

But, lest I sound like I am bragging, let me clear up one thing.  I am not a great photographer.  I never will be.  It is my nightmare to be asked to create an image to someone else's liking.  I do not want to pose families or take wedding pictures.  I do not want to learn to set up artificial lighting or build backdrops and collect props.  All I like to do with my camera is capture what is already there.  The art that God put on the earth or the art that man built while not intending it as art.  And I do think I am good at that.  I do think my eyes see beauty where other people just drive on by.  And I do not have any qualms about editing the image beyond recognition to make a pretty picture into a work of art.  And I will call it art, because if I don't, nobody else will either.

Another piece of the puzzle fell into place when I found out my son, who is an Art Major will not be going to Graduate School in the fall and is currently looking for a place to start his adult life.

And so.......

Drum Roll Please!  Later this summer we are going to open an Art Gallery in the Eau Gallie Art District.  We are going to show art from emerging artists in all mediums to include some of my images, some of David's painting, and a variety of other people's art on a commission basis.  Some of the artists are local, some are not.  David will be bringing down art from artists he knows in Iowa and Nebraska.  Bill's brother is building crosses and boxes of inlaid wood (he is a very talented wood worker).  We hope to get some images from Luke and Misti (Bill's daughter).  And of course local artists, hopefully will approach us in the long run.  But we feel like we have a lot going for us in just having a lot of unknown artists among our friends and family who will be willing to show at an unproven gallery. 

I have revealed my plan little by little in discussions with people and not only have they been supportive, but I am also getting more inspiration from them.  For example the printer who works in the building I work in offered to print cards and post cards and invitations to the grand opening at a much reduced price because he knows what it is like to start out when all the money is going out and none is coming in.  Then he told me as we flipped through some of my pictures that they look like the natural art that his church uses to display as a background to inspirational Bible verses.  And it hit me later, why not print some of them as post cards or cards with inspirational sayings on them.  That may be more marketable than a simple postcard.  Now post cards and note cards are not going to be the basis of the business by any means, but we will be offering small art reproductions as well as large original art pieces...prices varying....sometimes you need to sell peanuts to keep the dollars dripping in.

I would be silly of me to go into my entire business plan at this point, but the basics are no secret.  We will sell upscale original art and small reproductions, no arts and crafts stuff.  The primary business will be the store front, but we will also go to the major local art festivals.  We will be marketing to the people on the street, but we want to reach out to interior decorators for homes and businesses to establish ongoing relationships that will buoy the business with a more steady income.

But for now, I am writing the business plan.  Doing worksheets of start up expenses and break even analysis and projected income charts.  Getting insurance quotes and talking to vendors and even buying small furniture pieces at garage sales.  All of the drudgery that when done well up front will help ensure the business is a success in the long run.  I am even setting up mentoring sessions with Small Business Associations that specialize in helping start ups and working on putting together an advisory board of artists and business mentors to help keep us on track.

And here is the disclaimer to keep me out of trouble:   I am NOT planning to leave my current job.  Rest assured that I love my work and my coworkers and do not expect this to impact my job at all,  My son has committed to coming down this summer to set up the gallery and while I hope he will stay on to manage it for some time, I will be hiring someone to do the day to day running of the business.  I have already had so many offers from people who want to help!

That is all for now.  I'm sure I will be writing more about this new adventure in our lives, so stand by and please wish us the best with prayers for success!

My First Three Mounted Test Prints:  8x10, metallic paper, 3/4 inch raised mount.

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