January 27, 2011

25 things about Michaela, by Michaela

Now that FB has restored parts of Michaela's page I have access to so many things that she wrote and thought about.  In Feb 2009, a FB quiz thing went around where you were supposed to write 25 things about yourself that other people didn't know. This is what Michaela wrote:

OKay so I guess I'll do this thing.

1. I love self deprecating humor but I HATE it when I say something mean about myself and people are like, "Oh, no you're not...." and I 'm just thinking to myself, "I don't really think that, it is all in the name of humor, I can say it because I'm confident."

2. I'm technologically challenged. In a big way.

3. I'm scared that when I'm out on my own and my Mom isn't helping me with stuff, I'm not going to know how to do anything on my own.

4. I am a compulsive list maker.

5. I have a lot of clothing, way too much, but I wear every single thing I own. :-)

6. Sometimes I believe in God, sometimes I don't, but I pick my default answer as I don't because it just seems wrong to say that I do when sometimes....I don't.

7. I witnessed a really bad motorcycle accident and watched a woman die and felt nothing.

8. I have stinky feet. :-)

9. I can make a 3 leaf clover with my tongue.

10. I enjoy cleaning things (car, room, dishes) It's an instant gratification fix.

11. I think I do too many things to please my Mom. But I don't feel too bad about it because she did birth me. I owe her something. ;-)

12. I fear what others think of me, but don't let that fear control me, and definitely don't care once I do know what they think of me.

13. I definitely feel socially awkward around lots of people.

14. I don't feel sexy or feminine in any way.

15. I love deep and controversial conversation especially when it's littered with humor.

16. I have a lot more friends outside of Florida than I do in Florida.

17. I feel more like a complete person with one great friend than with 20 okay friends.

18. I'm a homebody.

19. The thing I'm most excited for in my future is to adopt 3 black boys. I seriously can not wait and think about it all the time. I can not wait. But I mean, I have too.

20. I thought I wanted to, but I will never live outside of the United States if I don't have too. I love it here, it's beautiful and spacious and people are so nice.

21. My brother is going to be so successful and content in his life and I like to think that I contributed a little bit to this wonderful man that he has become, but fear that I can not take any of the credit.

22. My brother has shaped the person I have become. I do everything with him in mind. Pretty much always have. It's my job as big sister. My brother is my favorite person alive.

23. My Mom is, always has been and always will be my inspiration.

24. I hate my legs, but not enough to do something about it.

25. I miss doing art. I have no time for it and it makes me really sad.

 I love that I don't have to try to explain Michaela; that she can do it herself, still. 


  1. Im glad you reposted this. First smile of the day. Thank you

  2. Incredible post, Katy. I wasn't one of Michaela's fb friends, so I never got to see this. What a remarkable young woman...I see so much of YOU in her responses. She was definitely way beyond her years.
