I went to bed about midnight after a very busy day that included entertaining with a large number of people and also getting the news that my husband's mother, Dixie, was dying and we needed to come as soon as possible. We needed to leave the house at 630am, but I just had so many things on my mind I had trouble shutting down to go to sleep.
I have only dreamed about Michaela a very few times that I remember since she died a little over a year ago. Each time has been memorable in its own way. This is the only time she has stayed with me all night long. It seems like I started dreaming as soon as I went to sleep and I only remember bits and pieces. Notable were that it was happening in Tallahassee, or I thought it was Tallahassee, but it wasn't visually any place I had ever been nor likely any place in Tallahassee. T
here were a lot of bricks and old style buildings like the FSU campus and someone I saw early in the dream told me that it was Tallahassee because that was a place that Michaela was very happy so that is where she would choose to spend a lot of time. So I started frantically looking for her, running up and down hallways and searching for her as fast as I could. Only when I started to tire and slow down did I realize that if I moved slowly and carefully I could see beings all around me in varying stages of transparency and furthermore if I stopped them and touched them, they would become fully solid and able to talk to me. I saw a lot of people I knew, most who had passed on and each of whom pointed me towards where I would find Michaela, but some of whom had not passed on which confused me.

The rest of the conversation was what you would expect from a kid showing their mother around a college campus, except Michaela wasn't showing me around a college campus, but explaining to me how the universe works and where she is in relationship to where we are and how very close it really is. She explained to me how I could see some people who were alive there, that certain people who were spiritually open could reside temporarily in both places, but that most of the time we only could reside in one at a time. She showed me everything there was to see. I remember that she was both calm and excited, happy and content, and very very self assured.
Unfortunately I don't remember how, exactly, the universe works. I woke up about 330 in the morning and was very happy, but also upset knowing that I would forget most of the dream, as people do. I went to the bathroom and got a drink of water while repeating as much of my dream as possible in my mind to try to remember it and also thinking of ways to capture it. Should I write it down? Too tired. Type it? Too tired. Wished I had a tape recorder so I could just tell it. But settled for trying to commit it to memory until I fell back to sleep.
And then it started over. The exact same dream. Step by step. Second by second. I had the first recurring dream of my entire life at least twice in one night. Maybe 3 times as I remember waking once more, but when I woke up at 530, I was in the middle of that dream again.
The good news is, she was right. Dixie isn't there yet. She will be soon and I know Michaela will be waiting to show her around.
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