April 21, 2012

Messages: The Reveal

I have kept you all in suspense long enough.  Although I am a long way from ready and the plans have a lot of finalizing to do, I am comfortable enough now to share where my messages have been leading me. 

It started with a woman I am an email only friend with (so far) who just couldn't seem to hear me when I said, "no, I'm not doing anything with my photography."  I would send her a picture or she would see them on my Facebook and she would exclaim over them and then ask (again), are you doing anything with your photography, business wise?  And I would answer (again) no.  (She is actually the editor of a magazine who contacted me about publishing something I had written.  Yes, it was published, something I probably neglected to ever tell much of anyone because it was published in the premier magazine for grieving parents, so blessedly most of you would never see it.  But our communications continued and we have become friends.)

Then I went to DC for a meeting and took pictures of the Cherry Blossoms.  The three women I was working with there, who are also now friends, were very complimentary of my pictures and my shared pictures even got the attention of the Washington Post just as my New York City pictures were commented on and retweeted by the New York City Tourism board.  And then finally there was the lady, Kelly, at the UPS store who I already spoke about and the signs from the angels that I also already explained.

But, lest I sound like I am bragging, let me clear up one thing.  I am not a great photographer.  I never will be.  It is my nightmare to be asked to create an image to someone else's liking.  I do not want to pose families or take wedding pictures.  I do not want to learn to set up artificial lighting or build backdrops and collect props.  All I like to do with my camera is capture what is already there.  The art that God put on the earth or the art that man built while not intending it as art.  And I do think I am good at that.  I do think my eyes see beauty where other people just drive on by.  And I do not have any qualms about editing the image beyond recognition to make a pretty picture into a work of art.  And I will call it art, because if I don't, nobody else will either.

Another piece of the puzzle fell into place when I found out my son, who is an Art Major will not be going to Graduate School in the fall and is currently looking for a place to start his adult life.

And so.......

Drum Roll Please!  Later this summer we are going to open an Art Gallery in the Eau Gallie Art District.  We are going to show art from emerging artists in all mediums to include some of my images, some of David's painting, and a variety of other people's art on a commission basis.  Some of the artists are local, some are not.  David will be bringing down art from artists he knows in Iowa and Nebraska.  Bill's brother is building crosses and boxes of inlaid wood (he is a very talented wood worker).  We hope to get some images from Luke and Misti (Bill's daughter).  And of course local artists, hopefully will approach us in the long run.  But we feel like we have a lot going for us in just having a lot of unknown artists among our friends and family who will be willing to show at an unproven gallery. 

I have revealed my plan little by little in discussions with people and not only have they been supportive, but I am also getting more inspiration from them.  For example the printer who works in the building I work in offered to print cards and post cards and invitations to the grand opening at a much reduced price because he knows what it is like to start out when all the money is going out and none is coming in.  Then he told me as we flipped through some of my pictures that they look like the natural art that his church uses to display as a background to inspirational Bible verses.  And it hit me later, why not print some of them as post cards or cards with inspirational sayings on them.  That may be more marketable than a simple postcard.  Now post cards and note cards are not going to be the basis of the business by any means, but we will be offering small art reproductions as well as large original art pieces...prices varying....sometimes you need to sell peanuts to keep the dollars dripping in.

I would be silly of me to go into my entire business plan at this point, but the basics are no secret.  We will sell upscale original art and small reproductions, no arts and crafts stuff.  The primary business will be the store front, but we will also go to the major local art festivals.  We will be marketing to the people on the street, but we want to reach out to interior decorators for homes and businesses to establish ongoing relationships that will buoy the business with a more steady income.

But for now, I am writing the business plan.  Doing worksheets of start up expenses and break even analysis and projected income charts.  Getting insurance quotes and talking to vendors and even buying small furniture pieces at garage sales.  All of the drudgery that when done well up front will help ensure the business is a success in the long run.  I am even setting up mentoring sessions with Small Business Associations that specialize in helping start ups and working on putting together an advisory board of artists and business mentors to help keep us on track.

And here is the disclaimer to keep me out of trouble:   I am NOT planning to leave my current job.  Rest assured that I love my work and my coworkers and do not expect this to impact my job at all,  My son has committed to coming down this summer to set up the gallery and while I hope he will stay on to manage it for some time, I will be hiring someone to do the day to day running of the business.  I have already had so many offers from people who want to help!

That is all for now.  I'm sure I will be writing more about this new adventure in our lives, so stand by and please wish us the best with prayers for success!

My First Three Mounted Test Prints:  8x10, metallic paper, 3/4 inch raised mount.

April 17, 2012

The meaning of art

I know I promised a trilogy with a big announcement at the end, but the time isn't right yet.  First I have to get all my rubber duckies all lined up in a nice neat row.  Fortunately, all of my rubber duckies are being very cooperative :).  I promise that my clues have been very good, but your general idea isn't the whole picture by any means. 

But in the meantime, life isn't standing still.  First news is I got my tattoo.  I'm no hippie girl tattoo'd bohemian (but I hope to be some day, lol).  I have planned this one for a long time.  Here it is: 

Every part of this tattoo has meaning.  On the foot is a message from a mother's day card in Michaela's own hand writing.  The daffodil was her favorite flower as well as the birth flower for the month of March.  The Red Rose was used to cover up the childish rose that used to be there, but also stands for everlasting love.  

The purple flowers indicate mourning and sadness.  The butterfly is a common symbol of afterlife and a symbol of afterlife visits for many people, but this one is filled with all of the colors of the rainbow, because the rainbow was a significant symbol for her both in life and death.  The peacock feather indicates several things.  Her favorite colors, the colors and theme she was planning to decorate her apartment in, and a kind and thoughtful thing she did in her last days.  The round pink flower at the top indicates everlasting life in the eternal circle.  The lady bugs, always a favorite of hers, indicate another sign she has used both in life and death of her continuing presence.

I admit I was worried about getting such a large and detailed tattoo on my leg, but I absolutely love it.  Wait til I do one for my son on the other leg :).  I can already envision it, but he needs to finish growing up so I know all of the elements that belong there. 

Second news is that I visited Kelly at the UPS store again today.  I waited a whole week, which was hard for me to do.  I swear, talking with her is like downing a six pack of 5 hour energy drinks in 10 minutes.  I leave there electrified with energy.  Still, I don't want to dry up the energy source and I don't want to wear out my welcome; after all, she is running a business.  But again, this visit was amazing.  From the minute I walked in the door, her face lit up (don't lie, you know it is amazingly gratifying when someone is obviously happy to see you!). 

She immediately said, I have something for you.  Since the last time I left we had both been unable to locate something we wanted to share, I assumed she found what she was looking for, as had I.  So I said me too.  She was busy and I waited for her to take care of her customers.  I had business to do too, but no rush.  When she was done I pulled up the Angels Cry too picture that Michaela had drawn.  The one I put in the last blog next to the baby angel that Kelly had drawn.  She looked at it and said, it's her, all grown up.  When I told her that Mich had drawn that, she almost cried  She said, so there is a connection.  So I'm not crazy...or at least both of us are.  Reminder images:

But, surprise, what she had been looking for was NOT what she had for me.  She came out from the back room with this:
This is a brand new canvas in oils.  The photo does it no justice.  It is jaw dropping.  I could not believe she was handing me a canvas painting as a gift.  Just a gift.  But more than a gift.  I had told her how much her paintings of Ascension had touched me...this is very similar to the one she did about her sister, but it is not the same.  She said she had started out with different colors than these on the circles and it wasn't right.  She didn't know why it wasn't right, so she asked Michaela to help her make something beautiful for me.  Look closely at the colors (they aren't quite right in the photo, but they are perfect on the canvas) and then look again at that peacock feather in my tattoo.  I just got the tattoo on Friday.  Also look at the hair color...not quite blonde, not quite brown.... she thought that was a mistake when I showed her blond Michaela (she had not seen a color picture of her)...but remember Michaela was born with dark brown hair...now she is going back.  I love the golden hue in the hands.  I know it is my grampa taking her over.  He is the one who told me she had to go over. 

Also, please remember that she has not been able to paint in over a year.  This is the first painting she has completed.  I hope that means I am giving her energy, not just taking hers.
Another blessing I am undeserving of.  I have so many pieces of original art, inspired by my generous, loving daughter both by people who knew her alive and people who did not.  Tell me that isn't proof that life is eternal and important.

April 11, 2012

Messages: Part two

As I was saying, I was thinking about my encounter with Kelly on the way to my next appointment, which happened to be for a massage.  It was almost a wasted massage, because for me, relaxing the muscles is just part of the experience.  I like to relax my mind at the same time, but my mind was in no mood to be relaxed.  Towards the end of the massage, trying to quiet my mind, I remembered something that I had been doing a few weeks ago, but had neglected to do lately.  So I mentally asked Michaela, my guides, and any angels who wanted to chime in for advice.  I asked for a sign that what I was thinking of doing would be a good idea and if it would be successful.  Then I waited.

I didn't have long to wait as it turned out.  After my massage, I walked in the next room and this is the first thing I saw: 

Gold Angel Wing Photo Holder

Now without knowing what is in my mind, all of the symbology of that won't be clear right away, but it is pretty obvious.  Angel wings, in a glittery gold (indicating financial success) and a note stuck in the top that says "photo holder".  All very obvious signs to me. 

Everything that I want to do is so clear in my mind.  There are people who will say it won't work, but I know it will.  I don't expect it to be easy and I don't expect it to be instantaneously successful, but I do know I can do this.  There are a lot of other factors lining up to make this the right time and place for what I want to happen.  I will go in to them in the next blog.  It is all just too complicated to put out there all at once. 

As I also said, I did go back to see Kelly the next day.  Of course I had to.  I had to tell her what happened after I left her the day before.  We had another great conversation.  She had been as excited and inspired by our talk as I had.  I will go back and see her soon, probably Monday, because I will have something else to share with her then.  Oddly during the visit there was something she desperately wanted to show me and something I wanted to show her and neither of us could find what we wanted to share.  I think that was the universe saying, "you aren't done with each other yet."

She did share some more of her art with me.  First she shared this picture: 
Souls ascending into Heaven.
Then she shared this picture:

Child Angel
Now tell me the truth, doesn't that picture look like a very young version of this Angel????
Pay particular attention to the way the word Angel is written in both pieces and then look at the hair and the lips and even the eyebrows.  Maybe it is a stretch, but it was my immediate thought.  I can assure you that the two of them never met.  Oddly, this is the picture I wanted to show Kelly.  I have it everywhere.  It is on the Face book Page Angels Cry Too....but it wouldn't come up while I was standing there.  No place I looked would it appear at that time.

The next blog will actually reveal my idea, so be patient.  I have to have everything lined up before I tell all.  But before I sign off, let me take a step into the past to give you a hint.  From my blog several months ago called Spiritualist Camp:  [the Medium] said to me, like almost everyone else, that I was bored at work, but there would be a good opportunity coming in June. He said that I wanted to start my own business, which used to be true but no longer is a priority for me and seemed disoriented when I disagreed. 

April 5, 2012

Amazing Messages!!!

Today I went to the UPS store to mail a package.  I go to this UPS store quite often.  I actually like going there because the owners are very friendly and helpful (and their little dog gives 'high fives').  But today was something different.  This visit to UPS might well change my life.  Here is the story:
I went in and while I was waiting I noticed a full double rainbow shot of the beautiful double rainbow I had photographed a couple of weeks ago.  I started discussing the rainbow and photo with Kelly.  We have chatted amicably many times, but never at any length.  The picture wasn't very good really, but it was the full rainbow, which is impossible to shoot with a normal camera because of the photo ratio.  She mentioned the guy next door (a photographer) had probably gotten one of the few shots of the full thing because he had the wide angle lens to do it.  (as an artist, I was appalled that he hadn't taken the time to compose a great shot...the beach is right across the street for crying out loud).

I told her I had also photographed that rainbow and opened my iPad to show her.  I pulled up the picture I took at 8th Street (above) and I don't know what compelled me to say this, but I said, 'I doubt I ever told you, but my daughter died three years ago.  This is the street we lived on."  She looked straight at me and said, ' then this is a sign'.  I agreed with her and told her that I regularly ask Mich for rainbows and most often get them, sometimes on days where there is no rain.  She said, oh, I believe all of that...angels, signs, rainbows, butterflies...it is all true. 

Then she started flipping through my pictures and was literally gasping with pleasure at some of them.  Earlier she had asked if I was a photographer and I said sort of.  She said flipping through them, you are an artist and these are some of the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen.  So what, right?  It is a UPS store owner.  Then she revealed to me that she is an artist.  AND she told me that her sister had been murdered four years ago.  She went on to tell me the story of the murder and how she had visited psychics who had all told her the same story of the murder.  They know who did it, but can't prove it.  I won't go into the details but it is a gruesome story.  All of the photos below this are pictures painted by Kelly Poiani.

This is her painting of arrival in Heaven and being greeted by
all of those loved ones who are waiting for you
Since her sister's death she painted for awhile at first, but hasn't been able to create at all in the past year.  Still, I was interested, but not overwhelmed.  Until she got out her portfolio, pictures of her art.  I was floored.  Not only was it beautiful, but it was exactly my own image of death and spiritual connectedness.  She gave me copies...that is what is posted here.

This painting depicts how all of our souls are interconnected.

Before I left she said, your photos would be beautiful as postcards or notecards.  I said that exact thought has been nagging at me all week.  I was trying to figure out how to make it happen.  She said, 'another sign'.  Perhaps your daughter working through me.  And as I drove to my next appointment I thought about that, then I thought of something else (that I won't share yet).   I left there physically affected by this encounter.  I was shaking and my stomach was in knots. 

This is a photo of one of her sculptures.  I was drawn to it.  It you know me, you know why.
I was, unfortunately, rushed for time, but I am stopping back in there first thing in the morning.  I feel like I could have talked to her all day.  These unusual connections keep happening to me and I know enough now to listen to them.  I am being guided and I accept that.  Not only do I want to hear her story in more detail, but I want to know who she talked to and get recommendations from her.  Also, I have a new story of something that came out of our visit.  I'm not ready to share that yet, but it will be life changing.  My life is going to become amazing. 
This shows her sister being greeted by her young nephew who had passed earlier.  He took her before the brutality began.  This is exactly how I picture it happening.  This brings me so much peace.  I am not alone.  Others see what I see.

My life is going to become amazing.  But that is a story that needs this part and a few more to make sense...and I just can't share it yet.

Part two to follow:  Hint--I did go back to see her today and my life is going change (two separate topics).  Stand by for details, this is going to be a trilogy, because there is just so much to share.