Along this road you are going to encounter a lot of construction workers whose job is to help you get safely through. There are three main types of construction workers that seem to pop up in my life (particularly my work life).
First there is the person who just throws up the "Road Closed" sign and figures they have diligently done their job. They have kept you safe from the danger ahead, but you are left on your own to find a way around it. I'm not a big fan of these people. They feel their job is to build an obstacle. It seems to make them feel powerful to stop you in your tracks and watch you have to deal with the frustration as you find your own way to the destination.
Next there is the person who puts up the "Detour" signs. This person is infinitely more helpful than the "Road Closed" person. Sure, they cause you to slow down, but they also helpfully try to direct you on an alternate path. Most of the people I encounter (and work with) fall into this category. They are trying to be helpful, but they only have time to do so much. They slow you down and you are still frustrated trying to follow the sometimes confusing signs, but eventually you will reach your destination.
Finally, there is the person driving the truck with the big flashing letters that say "Follow Me." These are my favorite people. They are few and far between, but when you find one it is a true pleasure. They not only protect you from the danger ahead, but they take the time to guide you to your destination making sure you don't get lost along the way. You might be going a little bit slower, but there is no frustration in following the "Follow Me" person. There is peace in knowing they know the way and are going to put themselves out to make sure you find the way too.
I like to think of myself as the "Follow Me" person, but I know I don't always succeed, sometimes I just stick up the "Detour" signs. I hope I am never the "Road Closed" person, either at work or as I interact with anyone traveling their own highway. Which person are you?
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